Let me guess! You are here because you are interested in learning how to make natural handmade soap at home! No brainer huh? Just kidding! But let me assure you that you are in the right place!
Soapmaking is not only a fun and creative hobby, but it can also help you make the shift towards a natural and toxin-free lifestyle. In this beginner's guide to soapmaking, we will cover the most important things you need to know & understand to get started with soapmaking at home.
Let's cover 4 main aspects of soapmaking that you must know as a beginner soapmaker:
1. The Basic Science behind Soapmaking
Soapmaking is both an art and a science. I get it!!! The word ‘science’ can scare many people away from soapmaking but I cannot stress how important it is to understand the science it to be able to make soaps successfully from scratch. But, do not stress! It will be so much more interesting than high school chemistry😅
Soap is made through a process called saponification, which is the chemical reaction between fats (oils & butters) and an alkali (such as lye aka sodium hydroxide). This reaction produces soap and glycerin. The soap cleans and the glycerin hydrates the skin making it a great choice for everyday hygiene & good skin health.
2. Soapmaking Ingredients
To make a very basic bar of soap, you only need 3 ingredients:
Lye aka sodium hydroxide
Oils or fats (such as coconut oil, olive oil, or shea butter)
Distilled Water
That’s it! Pretty cool right?
Of course, if you want to make special soaps, you can then add-on ingredients such as essential oils, herbs, natural colorants, clays (optional) to this base to create artisanal handmade soaps.
3. The Equipment Needed to Make Soap
To make soap, you will need some basic tools & equipment, including:
A couple of heat-resistant plastic/stainless steel containers
A couple of plastic measuring cups
Additional cups for weighing out ingredients & additives
A digital, accurate weighing scale
A thermometer
A stick blender
A source of heat - either a microwave or hot plate with low heat settings
A silicone spatula
Additional tools like stainless steel strainer, stainless steel spoons
A soap mold
Safety gear (gloves, safety glasses, long-sleeved shirt, and pants)
You can also download this FREE soapmaking toolkit for recommendations to help you get started with your soapmaking journey with ease.
4. Safety Precautions to Take When Making Soap
Lye aka sodium hydroxide is a caustic substance and can be dangerous if not handled properly. This should not be something that scares you but empowers you with the knowledge to take the following non-negotiable safety precautions when making soap:
Wear gloves and safety goggles
Wear long sleeved clothes to protect your hands from spills & splashes
Make soap in a well ventilated area
Have access to running water & sink to reduce the impact of spills if any
Use only recommended containers to mix lye solution & the soap
Label all containers
Do not make soap in a hurry. Have ample time for the activity that is preferably free from children & pets
That’s it 🙌
These are the basics that every aspiring soapmaker needs to know & understand to experience a joyful & successful soapmaking journey from the get go!